Mass Times
Please see the latest newsletter for any changes.
Sunday Masses
Saturday 6.00 pm Our Lady of Sorrows, Effingham + live-stream
Sunday 9.00 am Our Lady of Sorrows, Effingham + live-stream
Sunday 11.00 am Church of the Holy Spirit, Fetcham
(Children's Liturgy of the Word is held at the 11 am Mass, Holy Spirit, Fetcham on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of each month during school term times.)
Weekday Masses
Monday No Mass
Tuesday 9.15 am Effingham + live-stream
Wednesday 9.15 am Fetcham
Thursday 9.15 am Effingham + live-stream
Friday 12.00 pm Fetcham
Saturday (am) No Mass
Holy Days of Obligation
9.15 am Effingham + live-stream
8.00 pm Fetcham
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Confessions are available as follows:
5.00 - 5.30 pm every Saturday Effingham
After 11.00 Mass on the first Sunday of the month Fetcham
The Sacrament of Reconciliation is also available on request. Please contact Fr Charles.
Mass Intentions
You can request Mass Intentions via the parish office or complete one of the orange forms available at the back of our churches (also available here).
Other Sacraments and Funerals
For all of these, do please contact Fr Charles via the usual contacts.