First Holy Communion
First Holy Communion Programme
The parish First Holy Communion programme begins in January. It is open to children in School Year 3 or above (i.e. those who were 7 years or older on 1 September of the previous year). Please download and fill in the application form and return it to parish office along with a copy of your child's baptism certificate.
All adults involved with the care of our children and young people within the parish have full DBS disclosure.
As part of our commitment to safeguarding, we ensure that all children are signed in and out of every meeting by their parent/guardian.
We request that parents notify one of the leaders on entry of any food allergies that need to be considered. Those who help in the kitchen will only serve food if all ingredients are known.
All adults involved with the care of our children and young people within the parish have full DBS disclosure.
As part of our commitment to safeguarding, we ensure that all children are signed in and out of every meeting by their parent/guardian.
We request that parents notify one of the leaders on entry of any food allergies that need to be considered. Those who help in the kitchen will only serve food if all ingredients are known.